
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday's Tute: Two No-Sew Ponchos

Ponchos are so much fun.  They'd make really sweet Christmas presents, too.  With this week's tutorial you can make one to fit anyone.  Or, maybe a special matching set.  There are many places to find fleece.  Your local fabric store (make sure to take a coupon w/you), a fleece blanket, even fleece garments from the thrift store (for dolly versions).
The first poncho written about is a single layer, no sewing.  As you scroll down, you'll find a second poncho, a double layer.  You'll need to hand stitch around the neckline.  Feel free to be creative and add pins, buttons, beads, and other fun things to your poncho.

Fleece: 16" square for a 18" (approximate) doll
             30" square for a child
             60" square for an adult
If you want a more exact fit, you can measure the person or one of their shirts.  Measure from wrist to wrist. (add a bit for fringe.)  This measurement is the corner to corner measurement of the square you'll need.
Sharp Scissors
Something round: cup, saucer, plate...


 1. Cut the square of fleece to the appropriate measurement.

 2. Fold the square corner to corner.

 3. Fold the triangle in half.

 4. Mark a curve on the fabric.  1" from the point for the doll, 3" from the point for the child, 5" from the point for an adult.  It's better to go smaller than larger if you are unsure!
While the fleece is folded, cut on the curved line.

 5.  This is what the neckline looks like unfolded. Now, try it on the wearer to check the neck hole size. Trim as necessary to make it larger.

 6. Cut fringe as you like.

You can knot two fringe parts together for a fun look.
 That's all there is to it.  You've got a poncho.

Now for the double layer, reversible poncho.

2 Fleece squares:16" square for a 18" (approximate) doll
                            30" square for a child
                            60" square for an adult
If you want a more exact fit, you can measure the person or one of their shirts.  Measure from wrist to wrist. (add a bit for fringe.)  This measurement is the corner to corner measurement of the square you'll need.
Sharp Scissors
Something Circular
Sharp Scissors
Embroidery floss, thread, or yarn and a needle
1. Cut two fleece squares.

 2. Use steps 2-5 on the tutorial above to create the neckline hole on one square.  Make sure it fits.  Then, use this neckline hole as the pattern for the hole on your second square so they are exactly the same.

 3. Lay the pieces of fleece on top of one another.  Match the neck hole and all 4 sides.  Snip a few fringes and then tie the top fringe to the bottom fringe in a simple knot.  Continue snipping and tying all the way around the poncho.

All knotted up!

 4. Thread your needle and tie a knot at the far end of one thread.  Slip your needle through the underside of the top fleece.  This will hide the knot.  Pull through.  Stitch up and around down and through the bottom the neck hole edge. Stitching both fleeces together.

 5. When you get back to the starting point. Pull the needle through only the top layer and out between the layers.  Tie a knot as close to the inside as you can get.  Snip off the extra thread and tuck the knot inside.

A close up of the neck hole edge.

The finished poncho laying flat.
Have fun poncho making and please, please, please share pictures!

Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. When you say measure wrist to wrist and cut square accordingly is the measurement the diagonal length or the side length?


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