
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday's Tute: A Knight to Remember

Our local Chick-Fil-A offered a Mommy and Knight date night last week.  It had been a while since my Handsome Dude and I had a special evening out.  I took full advantage of the chance to do something special with him.
We're often making something for and with Curly.  He gets left out much of the time.  This was the perfect opportunity to create a Knight suit with him.
I must apologize though.  There are no other pictures with this tutorial.  It went together so fast, I forgot to take photos. Also, our materials were a bit out of the ordinary.  I'll give you what you need and put what we used in italics just in case it gives you an "out of the box" idea.  I wanted to share it with you though.  Pictures or not, I think you and your Knight will have a wonderful time creating.

Shell fabric for a 7 yr. old: 2 rectangles 15 x 15  We used a 25 x 15 rectangle cut from a formal gown.
Cape Fabric 1 yd. We used part of the skirt of a formal gown.
Celtic cross design for front applique  I found this in a google coloring page search.
Scrap of fabric large enough for the applique
Wonder Under light or other iron on applique adhesive
Small piece of stitch in velcro
Rope for the belt We used a piece of gold gift tie.

1. Create and apply the applique to one of the rectangles (long way).
2. Stitch the two rectangles together (short side).  You'll stitch about 2" from each end and leave the center open for the neckline.
3. Hem around the entire shell and the neckline opening.
1. Cut a cape shape from your yard of fabric.  Our's has a slightly rounded neck edge and a rounded bottom hem. You want the neck edge to wrap loosely around the child's neck.  It needn't be precise.
2. Hem around the entire cape.
3. Stitch on velcro at the neck edge corners.

Put on the shell.  Tie around the waist with the cord.  Put on the cape.  A night you have!  Handsome Dude is wearing a long sleeve black hoodie and black baseball pants under his night costume, with rubber mud boots. His sword is borrowed from the neighbor boys and wrapped in foil.  A helmet, sword, and shield are now on his Christmas wish list. ;)
He protected his Mommy well while on our date.
Happy Sewing!

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