Curly and I saw bows like the one from Gap at a variety of stores recently. Curly loved them, but I wasn't willing to pay the store price when I had similar materials at home. Within 30 minutes I had my own version done. It earned a really big smile and an ooooo when Curly saw it. Now, that's approval! Our bow isn't fully attached to the headband so we can use it on a clip or pin it on a pony for more wearability.

6 x 8 piece of sequined Venetian lace
Other fabrics can also be used. If using a light weight fabric, you'll want to use two layers to give the bow the body it needs to keep it from flopping.
1 x 4 piece of sequined lace
Needle and Thread
Satin ribbon
Hot Glue
1. Fold 6 x 8 piece of lace in half (right sides together) to make a folded piece that's 6 x 4.
2. Hand stitch (sewing sequins and beads can break your machine) around the three open sides. Use a stitch that goes over the raw edge. Up from the bottom, over the raw edge and up from the bottom. Leave a 2" opening at the end of the third side to turn it right side out.
3. Turn the rectangle right side out through the 2" opening. Tuck inside the opening edges and stitch it closed.
4. Stitch the short edge of the 1 x 4 piece of lace to the back center of the bow. The scissors are showing you where I stitched mine.5. Pleat the center of your bow to your liking with your fingers by pinching it. Wrap the 1 x 4 piece of lace around to the back and stitch it down. Cut off the extra 1 x 4 strip.

I hot glued and wrapped the satin ribbon around the plastic heaband.
Then we slipped headband through the back side of the bow's center. It does slide around on the headband. I used two bobby pins to secure the bow/headband in Curly's hair. We could have glued the headband and bow together, but want to use the bow in other ways.
Happy Sewing!

Love the big bow! Very cute!